Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology bridges psychology and the law. A psychologist may be asked to determine if and how mental health or psychological factors might be impacting one's legal situation. Evaluations are completed in criminal and civil cases and include, but are not limited to, competency to stand trial, criminal responsibility (i.e., insanity), mitigation, and personal injury. Dr. Zito is available to complete these types of evaluations and provide expert witness testimony and/or consultation.


Forensic Evaluations in Criminal Cases

Mitigation evaluations, which are typically utilized during plea negotiations or sentencing, can be useful for explaining how an individual’s history and psychological functioning may have contributed to his or her behavior.

If there is a concern a defendant is not competent to proceed with his or her legal case, a Competency to Stand Trial evaluation should be considered to ensure his or her rights are protected. Entering a plea bargain or standing trial when one does not have the mental capacity to understand their situation, options, and/or the consequences of their decisions can have significant adverse outcomes.

In some cases, a defendant is found to be not responsible for her or his actions at the time a crime was committed because of her or his mental functioning. In Georgia, this is called Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI), and a Criminal Responsibility evaluation is typically necessary if a defendant wishes to enter this type of plea.


 Forensic Work

Competency to Stand Trial


An evaluation of a defendant’s current mental functioning and ability to stand trial or enter a plea bargain.

Criminal Responsibility


An evaluation to determine if a mental health or psychological problem, oftentimes referred to as “a mental disease or defect,” affected a defendant’s behavior (according to specific state or federal statute) at the time of the alleged offense.



A comprehensive assessment of a defendant’s history, including mental health functioning, and the circumstances around the time of the alleged offense.



Regarding psycho-legal tasks, including, but not limited to, reviewing records and other psychological evaluations and testing data.

Work with Dr. Zito

If you are in need of a forensic psychological evaluator or consultant, please contact Dr. Zito for a free initial consultation.